Friday, December 3, 2010

Movie Review

          Mr. and Mrs. Smith has always been and all time favorite movie of mine so for this blog, I looked up the movie reviews for what everyone else thought about the film. It is a romantic comedy that leaves room for a lot of adventure between two hott to trott, great stars of Hollywood. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie set every scene of this film on fire with their very convincing sexual chemistry which makes this also a corky film about couples and the troubling truth about relationships and marriage alltogether. With a perfect blend of several genres, this Mr. and Mrs. Smith spice their relationship up with their classy undercover jobs as assassins that neither of them know the other one is apart of. Set up to kill eachother by the end, this movie is not once too cliche, "mushy", or dumbed down in the least bit like your typical love story would be. It is a clever action film that received a 4 star rating, and with the two hottest people on the planet playing the two lead roles, I would reccomend Mr. and Mrs. Smith to anyone who is in for a good laugh and is open minded about love humor.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Friday, October 15, 2010

10/15/10: How To Write Anything Pg. 386-391

             On page's 386-391 in How To Write Anything, we read about how to properly revise a paper along with how to use different strategies in order to strengthen your paper. In the reading, it was said that revisions should be made after putting you're paper aside for a few days after writing it so that you can have a fresh eye and will see many more corrections that need to be made rather than what you would have revised looking at the paper right after finishing your first rough draft. It was also made clear throughout the reading that it is important that although you are trying to follow the correct structure of a paper, not to forget to put your own style and personal flavor into the piece that will keep it creative and unique from other papers. This reading made it seem a lot easier to write a formal paper and gave you a lot of options on different things to incorporate in your paper along with different ways to revise depending on the message you are trying to get across to the reader. I think I will refer back to this reading for many of my papers and assignments to come in my English 101 class.

Friday, October 8, 2010

essay #2 project examples review.

I really enjoyed reading the project about tyler and his personal life through his song titles and cd cover. I like how he turned a booklet out of his project and was able to show pictures of his family inside of the booklet to give you an inside personal outlook on his life and the people he was talking about in it. Tyler's cover page and font choice was very attractive and really pulled the viewer in. I was very impressed with his symbolic representation of the struggles of finding yourself as youth into becoming an adult. he showed this with a child split in two between two parents holding each hand...This also symbolically represented his  parents splitting up as a child and having step parents but still being torn in the middle similar to myself From the readings, it seems that tyler seems to have a somewhat similar life story as myself so I think I will also be representing myself through my project in the same way as tyler did, with a cd booklet.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Reading a Literacy/Narrative.

              I watched the literacy/narrative on music. I found this one interesting because I as well have a great passion for all types of music. He did a good job showing pictures to describe his life growing up with music from when he was in second grade all the way up until he graduated high school and went to college. The presenter's choice of pictures did a lot to express his project without using many words. It was a straight forward and eye catching video that very much got the point across about a big aspect of his life that had been impacted by his love for music. The presenter also attacked this project in a somewhat humorous way that also grabbed the viewers attention. It was a very well organized project with simple colors, nothing looked too chaotic and I will be doing my project in a much similar way to this.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


               In my English 101 class, we were instructed to start thinking about a topic for a literacy/narrative project we will eventually be presenting to class. We were asked to think of an event or time in our life when an experience impacted us so much so that it would change the way we think or go about our everday lives. We proceeded to narrow the topics down by coming up with three potential ideas that we would use for the project. The three topics I came up with were 1.) Survivor Camp in the ninth grade, 2.) singing and performing as long as many years as I have and 3.) my experiences during the summer after the year I graduated highschool. Being the most recent and influential topic, I am choosing to do the literacy narrative on the summer of my life! I found this topic most fitting because it not only was the funnest time of my life but also a very memorable and important one that bests refects me as the person I am today. Over the course of this past summer, I learned many things about people including my own self. I met many people over this summer that would change my life forever. My passion for music would also be influenced and I was introduced to a new kind of music that made me view even life experiences in a different perspective. This past summer also brought an experience I wasn't sure I knew how to handle until the very moment when  a very special friend of mine would lose his father to cancer, something I couldn't imagine relating to. Many times this summer, I also did things I never thought I would such as jumping off a 40 ft cliff. This summer was quite the adventure and something I can't wait to share with my English 101 class which is why I have chosen the summer between highschool and college to be my literacy/narrative topic.